Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Concept of the Sun

Go dark for a moment, the world erupts

In alarm. Return to the fire of light,

And calm returns. I have read in a book

That you destroy yourself, cleaving your heart

In an explosion of joy and comfort.

Though your warmth and vast power will outlive

Us all, one day you will lay your burdens

Down. In the years before the final flash,

I pray that you gaze one time toward me

Forgetting all that I wanted to take,

Then burst aflame across the endless void-

Forever the most beautiful star in the sky.


Shall I grow daisies or delphinium

At the door, or would you prefer flowers

Carefully cut and drinking from a vase?
A hundred seashells from a dozen seas

Adorn the steps. I have captured the sun

In a jar, snuff it out if you desire

Darkness. Shall I show you all that shimmers?

A hoard of gold and silver, mere marbles

But I will stretch them to a braided band

If ever you should wish to wear a crown.

The wind like the fluttering of feathers

Chills me for a moment, you disappear.

Plastic milk caps, glinting foil, copper coins—

I was a fool to hope you could be fooled.