Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Meditation 6

You would not give a scorpion a ride across a river, why then would you trust a woman to keep her word? The moon may tell the truth every day, but ever it sings a changing song.

A man can get a good deal on a used car.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Meditation 5

“No matter what you do this year or in the next hundred, you will be dead forever.”

Meditation 4

That we do not expect Artemis to avoid the woodlands under the moon, nor do we require that Ares change his bedroom decorations.

That there are so many pretty women in the world, and that with enough time you could make each of their lives worse than before. And that you would.

That you would not go camping if you always burned the forest down.

Meditation 3

To remember that positive qualities often serve to mask personality deficiencies.

That you have forgotten so much of what you have learned. The aesthete, the intellectual, the artist. To not be a mirror.

That the most outrageous lies are meant to be discovered, so that the truth can remain hidden.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Meditation 2

That discomfort should be received with enthusiasm. So your feet hurt? You have spent years off of them, and they are being toughened.

To take pleasure in hard work - in lifting, sweating, breathing steam. Every day stronger, every day a few dollars richer.

To never again be where you have been.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Meditation 1

To use the proper cloth to patch a hole. To remember that self pity is weakness- like wine, like women. Like everything. To know that apple trees stand strong though their branches are warped beneath the weight of life.