Monday, May 24, 2010

To be Fair, I wasn't trying very hard

I had been growing
a beard for
more than a month.

I was eating
cheap noodles
and found
that my whiskers
were getting in the way
of the broth.

I used the same
electric razor
as I use to shave my head
to shear dead cells
into a sink.

I kept the moustache
for around twelve hours
to see just how it felt.
It was not precisely
as impressive
as I had hoped
and so again my face
appears to be my own.

One of the places
that sends me
rejection letters
has a standing policy
against poems
about shaving.
I think it will be hard
to find fault with them.

1 comment:

  1. Shaving = greatness. Therefore, that place must've been crap.
