Before a couple hours back, I never got kicked out of a place
without doing something first. Oh sweet lord but it happened
today though and you should have seen it.
Man I tell you I was as drunk as most people have ever been.
I was positively blind, stumbling around town
without a drink of water or a dollar from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.
So I’m walking down the sidewalk on the main road
and the way spring gets frigid in the early morning is sobering me up.
Out of nowhere I hear my girl’s song playin’ real loud out of this white house
with a bunch of cars all in the yard (I say she’s my girl but she isn’t any more)
so I walk on up and knock on the door,
and no one answers: but they’re awake and it’s the South,
and I’ve often been inside, years ago in happier seasons
(and talked at great length about music on the patio too)
so I walk on in, grab the one clean glass out of the cupboard to the left of the sink,
pour myself a cool drink of water and wet my tongue.
She’s here, wearing a new dress (if she wants compliments,
she wears a dress for strangers and enjoys their bankrupt praise)
but I don’t talk to anyone, I just look down at the tiles on the kitchen floor.
I notice people are staring at me a little but it ain’t like I’m stealing
something. I finish the glass I poured, then get myself
some more water from the tap and drink it down,
then more, then another glassful, and then this girl I don’t know walks up
like she knows who I am- she tells me I’m not welcome.
I say, “Hold up a minute ma’am, now maybe you don’t know my name
and I understand that, but I swear I’m just getting a drink of water
and when my thirst is gone I’ll be hitting the road.”
She says that won't fly and I have to get gone,
then this bastard walks up and says hello.
Well it is his house, I know, but he stole my love a year ago
and spirited her off to several mediocre concerts,
so I can seize some city-provided water today.
I always smile when I see him, so I smile and tilt my chin at him.
“Hey boyo, how nice to see you on this fine evening.”
He looks quite uncomfortable and shifts in his jeans,
“You know you can’t be here, man,” he says, “you weren’t invited.”
I chuckle in an exaggerated way, holding my stomach with my left hand.
“Well do you know my address? Might have gotten lost in the mail.
And did you use the right stamps? They won’t send it
if you don’t use the right stamps. My dad works for the post office, you see,
so I guess I’d say I know all about that kind of thing.
How many days ago did you invite folks over?
Like I was telling your gal over there (she’s kissing on another girl now, right on)
I was just getting some water from the tap, I’ve been walkin’ miles and miles
and they don’t have fountains set up around much of this city.”
To his credit, he ignores what I say though it is both plausible and true.
He says to me, “Why are you here? This is my house, you can’t be here.”
Three dozen people dance in the living room and no one else is in the kitchen.
I reply-
"Man I tell you I walked ten miles today without a drop to drink,
and this time of night I can’t just knock on a person’s door who I don’t know
‘cause they’re liable to shoot me two times with a pump twelve gauge,
but if you don’t want me inside I know that’s cool man.
Let me get a drink of water though, I’m dying here.
You don’t have to like me as a person but come on, give a man a drink?
Can’t refuse me that, that’s inhumane, that is!"
He leans in close to me, puts his hand on my arm, and says
“I’ll get you a cup to go, but you need to go outside soon, okay?”
I shrug my shoulders and push his hand off me, say to him- "Keep your hands off."
I slightly incline my head, pull my leather jacket on, and walk out the door.
There are two brick columns in front of the house connected by a fence.
The column I lean against is cracked but not broken.
There’s a tire iron as long as my forearm on top of the pillar.
I take my jacket off and cover it.
I guess the gal that lives there got bored with the girl she was kissing,
because she comes out of the door and starts trying to eject me from the open air.
I still don’t know her name so I don’t pay much attention.
He comes outside and hands me a fast food cup full to the damn top with water,
tells the girl to go on in. I take a sip and smirk at him. He leans on the other column.
He asks when I’ll be going, now that I’ve got water. I throw the act on again. I say-
"Hell man I don’t really know, had nothing to drink for hours and hours
and you’re a country boy like me, you know I can’t just drink six glasses of water
then hike my happy ass for five miles without puking my guts out ‘til the cops come."
I think about the sound of teeth hitting rain-soaked moss.
He talks for a certain amount of time. I ignore him. My love comes outside
and looks angry upon discovering me there. I never go where I don’t want to be seen
but I’m learning that others don’t always follow this rule, especially faithless women.
She gets a cigarette lighter from her automobile and goes back inside.
He asks when I’ll be going and I let all my breath out then say-
“Have I offended you? Have I done anything wrong?
Have I said a coarse or cruel phrase to your friends tonight,
or pushed someone’s head against a wall?
Have I threatened anyone, or cheated at cards?”
I know he hates me, but he looks embarrassed somehow.
I keep staring at his nasal septum and thinking of the way
that cartilage can shatter like a daydream.
I pull my jacket on slowly, without breaking the spell.
I grab the lapels and shake the leather forward, tight against my back.
I say to him, “You know they hate me and not you, only because they know
what I have done and not what you have done.
You’re no different from me but you’re a lot fucking dumber
and that’s the reason why she’s here today.”
He looks like he will be brave when his balls drop down
and he finally can take a woman or grow a beard properly.
I pick up the tire iron and throw it to the ground, right at his feet
and man you should have seen that slimy motherfucker’s face.
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