On this night, all the while listening intently to her breathing
and the way her heart beats as we cleave together,
I have set my lips upon very much of her;
although perhaps it is imprudent to say this
when considering the jealousy that may arise at my privilege-
Where I glance as she bleeds from playing music through the night
and around her thumb the seeping red has the taste and scent of a strawberry;
but at a moment in time when violence, pestilences, or storms of earth or air
have made strawberries impossible to purchase, even in massive marketplaces.
Where I stare when les autres offend her and fail to appreciate
the danger of rousing one who wields the knife of a butcher, skillfully,
even while drunker than a stone has ever been;
or as she plays a particular variation on a minor chord that evokes Seville.
When once gouges rippled in deep furrows like sand dunes
over my shoulder-blades, she soon stopped where she stood, noticing this;
her grin became as summer days when lightning strikes the sun
(I confess in this memory I generally remember her unclothed,
though it may be that she was bundled in preparation to trudge in snow,
tawny scarf spun ominously about her neck, a swan shaped unlike a swan)
She said, “What will you tell the next woman about those, when she asks?”
I replied, “I will say, ‘How is it possible that you do not remember
needing to put them there, mademoiselle?’ ”
She shook her long blackened hair and her irises quaked in accord,
(And if there was a God of Power then this world could not exist thus,
where the oceans of her eyes do not display the hues of all flame)
and she laughed and laughed but I saw, a divination in glass and smoke,
the day in my future when I shall be a blind man sitting in a wicker chair.
These dreams and fragments of the past, I kiss (leach) from her fingertips
as she sleeps with heavy blankets strewn across her body, socks still on,
her hand half-curled in beauty just above her collarbone:
I brush my mouth behind her earlobe and (vainly) whisper-
a rose, my love, its bulb flowering
in the dark of an autumn night,
need only be brought out
when one wishes to tempt the thorns.
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